General Terms and Conditions
General Terms and Conditions
- Minimum order per wine: 3 bottles
- Minimum order per shipment: 150 CHF
- Discounts: 1% from 400 CHF, 2% from 700 CHF, 3% from 1.000 CHF, 4% from 1.300 CHF, 5% from 1.600 CHF
- Shipping cost
6-12 bottles: 15 CHF
13-24 bottles: 23 CHF
25-35 bottles: 31 CHF
from 36 bottles: free shipping - Payment: within 10 days after delivery
- Court: 6285 Hochdorf, Switzerland
- Minimum order per wine: 3 bottles
- Minimum order per shipment: 150 CHF
- Discounts: 1% from 434 € 2% from 759 €, 3% from 1.085 €, 4% from 1.410 €, 5% from 1.736 €
- Published prices for wine are Gross in €, incl. European VAT and customs
- Payment: prior to shipment to IBAN CH96 0900 0000 6068 2450 1, BIC POFICHBEXXX
- Shipping after payment has been received
- Monthly shipping with UPS
- Court: 6285 Hochdorf, Switzerland
- Shipping cost as below include duties and custom documentation
6-12 bottles: 6,00 €
13-18 bottles: 9,00 €
19-24 bottles: 13,00 €
25-36 bottles: 17,00 €
from 37 bottles: for free
Austria, France, Belgium, Netherlands
6-12 bottles: 10,00 €
13-18 bottles: 15,00 €
19-24 bottles: 23,00 €
25-36 bottles: 34,00 €
from 37 bottles: for free
other EC Countries
6-12 bottles: 18,00 €
13-18 bottles: 27,00 €
19-24 bottles: 39,00 €
25-36 bottles: 58,00 €
from 37 bottles: for free